There has long been a need for solid, accurate information on the soldiers of Company K. No two sources agree on how many men enlisted, the spelling of their names, their fate in the war, and what happened to the survivors when they returned home to Michigan.
Civil War historian Chris Czopek is the first to put together all this information into one book.
Title: WHO was WHO in COMPANY K
Author: Chris Czopek of Lansing, MI
Publisher: 2nd Edition is Self Published by the author.
Perfect Binding, 226 pages, Price: $ 80.00
Any questions? email me at RedOak
To order a copy, send a check or Money Order to:
Chris Czopek
806 N. Francis Ave
Lansing, MI 48912
Make check out to "Chris Czopek"
This is the first book ever written about
the Native American men from Michigan
who fought and died in the Civil War !
The Second Edition, published Oct. 19, 2015,
has all the latest information and some recent
discoveries about the lives of these men !